Matt Damon and Robert DeNiro Might be Doing a ‘Rounders’ Sequel

Miramax under the guidance of the Weinstein brothers in the early and mid-90s (Disney bought it in 1993, but let them operate with a good deal of autonomy) was something of a golden age, putting out Reservoir Dogs (1992), The Crying Game (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Bullets Over Broadway (1995), Trainspotting (1996), and about a million other notable movies. Today’s big news is that Miramax and Weinstein are back together for the first time since 2005, signing a new deal that will “exploit the creative properties in the library that the brothers left behind when they exited Disney. The deal will span 20 years and multiple titles for films, TV series and live stage productions.”

What the less businessy part of this news means for you, the movie viewer, is likely sequels to classic Miramax titles.

The new venture will get off the ground quickly with sequels to the Best Picture Oscar winner Shakespeare In Love and Rounders, and they will develop series transfers of Good Will Hunting and Flirting With Disaster.

Flirting with Disaster is sort of the forgotten David O. Russell movie, with awesome performances by Richard Jenkins and Lily Tomlin. Definitely give it a watch if you’re not too busy doing volunteer work.

“It’s like unlocking a kingdom full of gold, which [financier] Tom [Barrack] describes as diamonds,” said Harvey Weinstein.

“We’re different in all sorts of ways, haha! But the important to remember here is that we’re both super rich guys who use obvious money metaphors.”

Anyway, about that Rounders sequel:

“I’ve discussed making Rounders 2 with Matt Damon and I would say that’s going to be instantaneous,” Weinstein continued. “The guys [writers David Levien and Brian Koppelman] have a great idea, a way to make it more international where you start the card game in Paris, that’s all I want to say. There might be a certain beautiful Parisian actress involved in it, and then we’re off to the racetrack and Vegas with Matty and Edward Norton, and a new supervillain to replace John Malkovich.” Weinstein is eyeing Robert De Niro for that role. [Deadline]

John Malkovich doing one of the most over-the-top accents in cinema history was one of my favorite parts of the original, so I’m a little disappointed he won’t be back, but I understand. If I was recasting it today, I’d get Sam Rockwell for the Edward Norton role, though that’s neither here nor there. Really, as long as they don’t cast Taylor Lautner as Matt Damon’s protege and set it in the world of underground parkour, I’m into it.