Apologies for the Upworthy-style headline. You probably immediately guessed who Johnny Depp could play. Doctor Strange is the obvious casting, and we’ve been hearing rumors of a Doctor Strange movie in 2016 as part of Marvel’s Phase 3 for awhile. Now Latino Review — source of many of the previous Doctor Strange rumors — says Johnny Depp has met with Marvel about the role.
The 50-year-old actor is a comic book fan, and is said to be very interested in jumping onto the Marvel machine. Johnny Depp also happens to have a very fruitful relationship with Marvel’s owner, Disney. […] While they have Depp on the hook for another Pirates film, it is believed they would shift that production around if he does agree to sign on the dotted line for Marvel.
Latino Review adds that, although the original script called for a 30-year-old to play Doctor Strange, they’d gladly rewrite it to land a star of Johnny Depp’s caliber. As for that script, last we heard it would be an origin story in which Strange deals with the guilt of letting his sister die. In other words, it seems they’ll make him slightly less of a bastard just as they cast Paul Rudd as the less wife beat-y Ant-Man and cast Michael Douglas as Hank Pym to hand over the superhero responsibilities to a (less wife beat-y) successor.
We’re hoping this rumor proves to be true, as we can’t imagine anyone more obvious for the role. I mean, just look at the banner picture. It’s like he’s already wearing his Doctor Strange casual attire. He takes off some of the jewelry and puts on a luxurious cape only when he means business. And business is good.
(Banner via Getty Images.)