Florida Friday: You Can Now Buy Casey Anthony’s Clothes For $800 A Pop

Despite the fact that she’s not a serial killer, Casey Anthony has become a hot topic on the website Serial Killers Ink, which is a website that, among other things, sells old personal belongings of famous serial killers. Simple enough, right? According to WESH news in Orlando, the owner of the website purchased seven pairs of pants and six purses that once belonged to Anthony and has been selling the items for as much as $800 a piece on Serial Killers Ink.

And don’t bother with the outrage, because he’s just a businessman trying to make some profit, because America.

“I’m catering to supply and demand,” Eric Holler, the owner of serialkillersink.net, told WESH 2 News.

“Of course I’m trying to profit, I’m running a business here,” said Holler. “I’m not in the business of losing money.”

“I’m in this business to make a profit, like any other entrepreneur,” Holler told WESH 2 News. “I know there is a demand for items I sell.” (Via WESH)

Holler got his hands on the items for super cheap after a woman bought them all at a garage sale held by Anthony’s parents. The woman secretly recorded the garage sale because she claimed that she was “upset” that the Anthonys were selling items that belonged to Caylee Anthony. However, Holler has some standards and he wouldn’t sell any of those types of items because that would “cross the line.”

Despite the backlash that Holler has addressed on his social media – again, he doesn’t care at all what anyone thinks – the Anthony stuff must have sold quickly, because I couldn’t find it anywhere on his website. I did, however, find some beautiful art for my new home, and I’m going to think about picking something out once I talk it over with my dog.

(Banner via Getty)