The Woman With The World-Famous Instagram Butt Gives Rare Video Interview

Jen Selter is famous for the most predictable of reasons in an entirely new way. Her undeniable attractiveness made her a pseudo-celebrity, which is the old, but her “fanbase” is made up of nearly-two million followers on Instagram. That’s the new; it’s also why she sat down with Barcroft Media to discuss her butt.

“It’s a pretty wild adventure, and I am really enjoying it,” she told Barcroft, “but soon I would really like to spread my brand around the world as far as possible.” (Via)

I hate to burst your brand butt bubble, but…actually, there is no butt. I just wanted to say “burst your brand butt bubble.” If all else fails, Jen, you’ve got the title a dirty tongue-twisters book right there.