You Guys, Sesame Street Needs Your Help. Seriously.

This is all kinds of fascinating to me. Says Buzzfeed:

In 1969 Sesame Street shot a test episode that would be shown to focus groups of children. In that episode Gordon wasn’t played by Matt Robinson, Hal Miller, or Roscoe Orman, the men who would play the role over the coming decades, he was played by the man who stars in this video. The problem? The people at Sesame Street don’t know who this man is. The other adult actors and puppeteers in the video don’t know who he is either. A few years ago the staff at Children’s Television Workshop went through their archives searching for any evidence as to this man’s identity (pay stubs, call sheets, you name it). They didn’t find anything.

So the people at Sesame Street have turned to the Internet. If you recognize this Gordon, or know somebody who worked on that original unaired test pilot, email They want to identify one of the earliest players in what has become one of the most culturally important pieces of entertainment in American history. Who could argue with that?

So do you, by chance, know who this man is?