Facebook Fail-Log: November Edition

Last month, we had creepy psychosis in the Sims, a vigilante justifying her terrible park job, and a terrible misuse of ChatRoulette. This month we have, well, a lot of stuff surrounding Halloween, and also some horribly inappropriate images! Let’s get to it!

Yeah, realistically speaking, if you’re going to cheat, take it to DMs on Twitter.  That worked out great.  Just ask Chris Brown.

Yeah.  Some people.

And the Award for the Most Sensitive and Gentle Man of the Year goes to…

And he was much less annoying about it, as well.  Parents take note: we’re glad you’re reproducing, and we know it’s a big deal for you.  Just not for us, OK?

So, why, precisely, do you have “Dildo” in your autocorrect?

We’re just more impressed he managed to get anybody at PSN to care.  “Yeah, we know his wang is also his avatar.  We thought it was a baby anteater at first, too.  He’ll get over it.”

We’re still trying to figure out what’s worse: the misspelling in this poor dog’s name, that somebody wants to impersonate their dog on Facebook, that somebody had the nerve to think it was “cute” to actually do this, or the fact that we could easily spin this into a racial thing.


Wait, is this cliche?  Or just absolutely stupid?

No, but talking about it on Facebook is kind of weird, dude.

Great at math, bad at English.

We have nothing to say to this except: Good job, sir.

We support this plan wholeheartedly.  Or maybe a change to “X will not shut the f*** up about their relationship.

We call B.S.; there’s no way a woman, even in that costume, would sink so far as to have sex in a Pontiac Sunfire.

Yeah, that might have something to do with it.

Hello, Social Services?

Hey, look, the Not Getting It Trolls have escaped from Twitter onto Facebook

That’s why we don’t ping people in public.  We do it in the restroom, like a normal person.

To be fair, we Americans just assume the rest of the world likes to grill meat, get wasted, and blow things up and are happy to take any excuse to do it, too.


That’s it for this month.  Keep your statuses clean, your pictures free of innuendo, and avoid teenagers, and you won’t end up here.  Of course, that doesn’t mean we won’t have plenty of material for next month…