X-Men gets longer trailer, less terrible poster

They must’ve just completed some new FX work on X-Men: First Class, because today there’s a new, longer trailer (below) and another poster (above).  Can you believe this movie’s supposed to be out June 4th?  In any case, the latest poster (via Yahoo) isn’t as awful as the last few batches, but pretty much anything in which the subjects weren’t inexplicably standing on a diagonal would’ve been.  They use that angle all the time in porn too, and I never understand it. It’s great that you can squeeze more into the shot, but now I have to jerk off with my head cocked to the side like a confused puppy.  Not cool, man, not cool.

XAVIER: “We have a chance to be the better man.”

MAGNETO: “We already are!”

The new trailer (this must be the fifth or sixth now) gives us more of a taste of the story, the effects (THE DRAGONFLY HOOKER FLAPS HER WINGS!), and the characters, including the sergeant from Starship Troopers (Michael Ironside):

I think he plays a captain.

Click onto the next page if you want some spoilery character descriptions via MSN.

“Alex Summers, whose super name is Havok, is Scott ‘Cyclops’ Summers’s younger brother. I can shoot plasma beams out of my entire body instead of just optic beams. Just like Scott can’t control his power without glasses or his visor on, historically Alex has never been able to control his power either. It’s always in outbursts of lack of control. In the comics he has a suit that kind of absorbs excess energy. But it was more like a meter that told him how much power he had, whereas in this one I have something that channels it because I can’t control it myself. It’s a chest piece that focuses the ray so I don’t blow it out everywhere.”

Aw, I wish I had one of those.

[via MSN]