Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch is the latest in a long, long line of celebrities to swing by Sesame Street, as he joined Murray (‘Murray-arty”) and The Count to solve the mystery of “Are there more apples or oranges”? It’s all very cute and fun, especially the part where Murray insists on referring to him as “Benedict Sherlock,” but it also taught me an important lesson: I am incapable of watching Sesame Street videos without turning back into a four-year-old. I say this because I spent the majority of the clip thinking (spoiler alert, btw) “APPLES. THERE ARE MORE APPLES. FOUR APPLES, THREE ORANGES. I GOT IT RIGHT” even though I am a fully grown adult with a college degree. I bet I got it faster than any of the stupid kids watching the clip, too. TAKE THAT, TODDLERS. SCORE ANOTHER ROUND FOR ME. OH, ARE YOU CRYING NOW? GOOD. YOU SHOULD CRY. YOU LOSERS.
I will take my rocketship sticker and chocolate milk now.
Source: Vulture