Bank Of America Addressed A Credit Card Offer To ‘Lisa Is A Slut’

What’s the worst way your name has been bungled in a mailing address? I once got Josh Krap, which isn’t so bad (to be fair, it was a free sample of cereal from Simply Fiber), especially when compared to “Lisa Is a Slut McIntire.” That’s how McIntire, a Bay Area-based freelance writer, was referred to as in a credit card offer from Bank of America, both on the envelope and in the junk-mail letter.

McIntire thinks a data entry person entered the offensive address, but said she doesn’t understand how it got through the bank’s system. She took to Twitter to get the Bank of America’s attention.

The bank apologized in response and said they are looking into the situation. (Via)

As they should. Lisa was supposed to have her mail forwarded to Mendownlow Park weeks ago.

@LisaMcIntire via Gawker