A Woman Cut Off Her ‘Chopper’s Bitch’ Tattoo And Mailed It To Her Cheating Ex-Boyfriend

Romeo and Juliet, Jack and Rose, Chopper and Torz. All epic romances that ended in tragedy, especially the last one. Torz Reynolds loved Chopper so much, in fact, that she got “Chopper’s Bitch” tattooed on her forearm. Alas, shortly thereafter, Ol’ Chops informed her that he was emigrating to Alaska to pursue his dream job of being a talking motorcycle, or something. Torz was heartbroken, but their love was so pure, she saw him off at the airport…and saw him again after learning that rather than going to Alaska, he was in Essex, shacking up with his girl on the side for the past six months. That’s when things got weird:

Tather than opt for a cover-up or a strike through, Reynolds removed [her] tattoo herself – with a scalpel. The 26-year-old spent 30 minutes carefully slicing the skin on her arm, before using tweezers to pull off the severed skin. She then wrapped up her handiwork in ribbons and sent it to her former lover via recorded delivery. (Via)

You’ll have to go here to see the horrifying photos, but the moral of the story is: never trust a man named Chopper. Or become someone’s bitch. Or get a tattoo. Some combination of those.

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