Cute Loopy Poop Poops a Poopy Loop O’ Poop

Is there an Oscar for headlines??

Poop The Loop from James D Wilson on Vimeo.

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Review: ‘Nymphomaniac Volume 1’ |FilmDrunk|

Missouri has already given the Gathering of the Juggalos the boot |UPROXX|

Ice fails |UPROXX Video|

Comcast is set to buy Time Warner Cable, which is bad news for Netflix and internet porn |Warming Glow|

The Space Jam mod for NBA 2K14 finally lets you play as a godless, next-gen-realistic Bugs Bunny |With Leather|

‘Sesame Street’ meets ‘Street Fighter’ in the most educational brawler of all time |Gamma Squad|

KSK Mailbag: Girl cliques, surprise dinner parties, and the ideal broadcast booth |Kissing Suzy Kolber|

Drake is mad at Rolling Stone for publishing his comments about Kanye |Smoking Section|

Farrah ‘Back Door Teen Mom’ Abraham plans to stay a virgin for the rest of her life |death&taxes|

32 people who were rejected by SNL |BuzzFeed|

Alison Brie’s first sex scene was a mountain of gross |Pajiba|

Just a reminder: Bill Cosby is awful |The Superficial|

Somebody got Lil Kim pregnant |IDLYITW|

If NFL logos got a corporate makeover |Guyism|

A few ancillary ‘Game of Thrones’ notes that only hardcore fans will appreciate |The Chive|

The full names of mononymous stars |Ranker|