The Ten Best Denis Leary Clips On YouTube

Denis Leary has managed to shift slowly from being a standup comedian to a producer, writer, and actor. To celebrate the premiere of his new comedy series, Sirens, we’ve put together ten of Denis’ best clips from YouTube. Enjoy.

Legal Drugs Can Be Dangerous Too, Kids

Leary has dealt with addiction as part of his act for a long, long time. But it’s his bits about legal drugs that are often the funniest. Like, for example, the intoxicating powers of NyQuil.

Douchebags And Donuts

OK, so beating up on hipsters in their 30s is a national sport, but every sport needs an MVP.

Denis Leary Vs. The Kardashians

Really, they had it coming.

A Polite Reminder That You Can’t Bribe Denis Leary

Judgement Night was a movie best known for two things: a bizarrely top-notch cast which includes Leary, Jeremy Piven, Emilio Estevez and Cuba Gooding Jr. and a revolutionary soundtrack that brought together modern rap and rock artists. And, hey, Leary’s rants get to be used for evil.

Thieves Vs. Yuppies

The Ref is a severely underrated Christmas film, not least because Leary and Kevin Spacey play off each other so well.

Get Off The Bike

The Job was a cult comedy that served as the basis for Rescue Me, and you can see that DNA in how Mike McNeil treats grown men in spandex shorts.

Lift And Carry

Among the best moments in Rescue Me are when Tommy gets his ego challenged. Like the time he got deadlifted by Jennifer Esposito.

When Denis Met Sandra

This scene from Demolition Man is even funnier when you realize that a few years later, Sandra Bullock and Denis Leary would be in a romantic comedy together.

Denis Leary Is An A-Hole (And He’s Damn Proud Of It)

As such, he penned the ultimate a-hole anthem. Here it is, in all its uncensored glory.

And, Finally, A Word On Coffee

Two decades later, sadly, this is still relevant.