25 ‘Next-Level’ Olympian Tinder Profiles That Will Make You Feel Bad About Your Body

The Olympics are a time for the world’s most physically fit people to room together, and also something about toilets. Once the athletes are finished competing in Sochi, after years spent training with a narrow-minded focus on moving quicker in the snow than every other Eastern European prodigy, they’re DONE and they’re gonna have some fun. No wonder Tinder use at Olympic Village is a “next-level” f*ck fest. Here are some Tinder profiles that make us feel bad about our non-Olympian bodies.

1. Possum (???)

2. Sophie

3. Salome

4. Roberto

5. Kateřina

6. Ania

7. Evelina

8. David

9. Anais

10. Taka

11. Katia

12. Yohan

13. Natalie

14. Yuki

15. Conor

16. Deanna

17. Karly

18. Row

19. Susanna

20. Dominique

21. Jamie

22. Philpot

23. Lisl

24. Billy

25. Corinne

Via Sochi on Tinder