Trevor From ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Gets A Facebook Look Back Video

Trevor Philips, voiced by the eerily similar looking Steven Ogg, is my favorite character in the highly-GIFable game Grand Theft Auto V. So when GTA Series Videos decided to parody the “Look Back” videos Facebook made for all of us earlier this month, Trevor was the obvious choice for a Lifeinvaderâ„¢ Look Back compilation.

Trevor’s hijinks set to sentimental music makes for a perfect combination, even stranger than my weird look back video was. It could use just a bit more fire, rude gestures, violence, and nudity, but for the most part it’s an accurate parody.

Trevor’s “Look Back” video is above. Oh man, just wait till he gets bored with Lifeinvader and moves on to Snapchat.

Via Kotaku