The Latest Hookup App Will Make Having A Threesome A Lot Easier. Maybe.

Pretty much everyone wants to be involved in a threesome as long as they can get away with it, I assume? So there will soon be an app available that can make your dream of having a ménage à trois come true. Via Salon:

If you’re the sexually adventurous type, you may have noticed erotic encounters between more than two people often end in disaster. And yet the steamy threesome remains something of a holy grail in the American imagination. So: enter 3nder.

3nder sounds like it could be a great idea, or an unbelievably horrible idea. But how can I hook up with a couple or get all of us to meet in a shady hotel right off the interstate? That’s how I like to get down. Explain yourself!

Whether you’re a couple looking for a playmate or vice versa, all it takes is uploading some photos, interests, and, er, “desires”—then you can start browsing your matches. Of course, people in open relationships have been making exactly this sort of arrangement via sites like OkCupid for years; this just saves you the trouble of reading profiles closely.

Hey, if that’s what you’re into, go for it. Random hookups through apps or websites just sounds like a serial killer set-up. Maybe I’m watching too much True Detective? Heh, no, not enough!

Via Salon