Someone Made A Song Out Of Jeff Goldblum's Weird Jurassic Park Laugh

Soundcloud user FLIPSHOT debuts 2014’s hottest single, ‘Hahahrawrrahaha.’

Via the AV Club.

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Spike Lee profited from gentrification before he was against it |FilmDrunk|

Watch Pope Francis totally drop the f-bomb during his Sunday blessing |UPROXX|

The best fails of the week |UPROXX Video|

Alright, alright, alright: Here’s Matthew McConaughey’s amazing Oscar acceptance speech |Warming Glow|

Paula Creamer’s monster 75-footer is the most impressive putt you’ll see this year |With Leather|

‘The Matrix’ is getting a prequel trilogy |Gamma Squad|

Tom Coughlin fills out his Oscar ballot |Kissing Suzy Kolber|

While you watched the Oscars, Arby’s bought Pharrell’s Grammys hat |Smoking Section|

The unbelievable story of why Marlon Brando rejected his 1973 Oscar for ‘The Godfather’ |death&taxes|

Ellen’s Oscar selfie is the most retweeted Tweet of all time, breaks 2.7 million retweets |BuzzFeed|

The Post-Meta Academy Awards Experience |Pajiba|

Here’s a buttload of ‘True Detective’ theories because f*ck the Oscars |The Superficial|

There’s a Yeezus movie coming out!!! |IDLYITW|

Jimmy Kimmel turns ‘Keyboard Cat’ and ‘David After Dentist’ into Hollywood blockbusters with A-list talent |BroBible|

Soccer mascot loses his head in amazing blooper |Guyism|

56 pictures of dogs |The Chive|

5 writers to read to better understand ‘True Detective’ |Ranker|