We Also Regret To Inform You That Scarlett Johansson Is Pregnant With Her First Child

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Man, this has been a rough few days for anyone who’s got an infatuation on some of Hollywood’s most crushable women. First came the news that Mila Kunis was engaged to Ashton Kutcher, and now sources have confirmed to EOnline that Scarlett Johansson, 29, is pregnant with her fiancee of six months, French journalist Romain Dauriac. To complete the trifecta, I have to assume that next we’ll find out Jennifer Lawrence has a secret tail.

“I would like to have my own family, that would be nice,” she told the Daily Mail in December 2013. “They say it’s never the right time and I am sure that’s true, but I think you have to plan it like anything else.”

“At some point it is something I look forward to,” she continued. “I am fortunate in that I have had a long career—20 years—that has been very diverse. So, you know, picking a time to plan a family feels like something that I could do and not feel as though I was missing out.”

Well, congratulations to Scarlett and her fiancee, if babies are their sort of thing. If I were in her shoes, I’d probably just be content with the gorgeous body and hot sex with a French dude, but sure — babies are great, too. I guess.

Blake Lively — your move?