Sassy Black C-3PO Is Better Than Any Star Wars Blu-Ray Edit

The Distinguished Gentlemen unearthed this totally legit lost Blu-ray edit for Star Wars, which they say shows the end result after “George Lucas had been toying with the idea of having a ‘more modern, urban sounding’ C-3PO.”

In the video below (NSFW audio), Luke Skywalker and Uncle Owen are shopping for droids on Tatooine when they happen upon a sassy black C-3PO who is not going to suffer fools gladly. He also informs us that R2D2 straight up murdered a dude, and he says the phrase we always wished C-3PO would have dropped on that rude protocol droid he met in Cloud City: “I don’t need this. Darth Vader built me.” Respect.

This was written and voiced by Brett Bayonne and edited by Will Herndon. If they re-dub the entire trilogy like this, I’d watch the hell out of it. What do you mean there were six movies? You shut your mouth.

[Hat tip and the droids you’re looking for to GeekTyrant.]