Marvel Released Yet Another Deleted Scene From ‘Thor: The Dark World’

Just in case you’ve been thinking that Thor: The Dark World was pretty light on filler scenes and needless conversation, Marvel has been releasing some deleted scenes to let us know how the movie might have looked if it was several minutes longer. The latest such clip, though, shows us what happens when Thor stops frontin’ with his hammer and starts getting real with his fists. The result is pretty much the same thing, except guys don’t go flying 100 feet into a huge wall thanks to the power of a hammer that only he can lift. Even gods have to play by the rules when it comes to kicking ass.

And since it’s a Wednesday and I know you’re bored and looking for ways to waste time, here are the rest of the deleted scenes that Marvel has released for Thor: The Dark World. I’m still waiting for that romantic scene between Jane and Sif, Marvel. Let’s make that happen soon, okay? My MS Paint drawings of such a scene are not cutting it.

Finally, here’s the zany bloopers scene. That’s at least 5 or 6 minutes that we’ve wasted together. This turned out to be a good Wednesday.