Wow. Just wow.
As my wife will attest, it’s not often that I’m speechless, but after watching this 93 second video for Save The Children UK, produced by the amazing production team Don’t Panic, that’s exactly what I am. Launched as a part of their “What If London Was Syria?” campaign, they have taken the second-a-day format, following a year in the life of a little London girl, and given it gravitas. It is short, poignant, and important.
So I guess the answer to how long does it take to make me cry is exactly one minute and one second.
On the one hand it’s sad that we need “A Time To Kill“-esque “now imagine she’s white” video to really drive the point home, but damn if they didn’t just drive it up my lawn, through my window and directly into my brain.
What do you think? Is this viral video appropriate? Does it have the desired effect?
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