Bill Murray Vs. Rotten Tomatoes

Illustrator Derek Eads’ latest expands on his obsession with the career of Bill Murray by plotting a timeline of Murray’s films vs. their Rotten Tomatoes scores. I’d love to see a whole series of these (with some fine tuning of the title-score alignment). I don’t often think about an actor’s career as a timeline with extreme peaks and valleys and I enjoy revisiting the triumphs and failures in an easily digestible format. The young-to-old illustration is a nice touch. Can you imagine one of these for DeNiro or Pacino? It would look like a Sandusky polygraph.

So what do we take away from the Murray breakdown? 1) Don’t do animal movies unless Wes Anderson is at the helm, 2) Ernie McCracken is truly one of the most under-appreciated performances of our time, and 3) No one will ever be able to explain how Passion Play got made. I see no way how transforming into FDR doesn’t trend upward from that career decision. Click to enlarge.

Source: Derek Eads