Shadow The Hedgehog Strikes In Our Exclusive Preview Of ‘Sonic Universe’ #61

Sonic the Hedgehog is a beloved mascot from the ’90s, but not many know he’s got comics still coming out from Archie. And good ones, too, as this exclusive preview of Sonic Universe #61 demonstrates.

Sonic actually has a popular set of books, and Sonic Universe is aimed at building the various characters up, expanding the universe, and telling a fun, action-packed story for all ages. Often, the books take characters who are thin in the video games and expand them in ways that make them a lot more interesting.

So it is with Shadow the Hedgehog. Depending on who you ask, he’s either highly popular or seen as a knock-off of Sonic and a misguided attempt to make the series “edgy.” But Ian Flynn, the mastermind of the Sonic comics, uses him well, as you can see in this exclusive preview. Sonic Universe #61 will be on the stands next week.