Jessica Chastain Documented Her Birthday Weekend With Tom Hiddleston On Facebook

After starring in literally every movie released in 2011 and 2012, including the Oscar-winning Zero Dark Thirty and the Michael-Shannoning Take Shelter, Jessica Chastain had a quiet 2013. She appeared in two films, only one of which you’ve heard of, Mama. But Chastain’s poised to have a big 2014: she’ll be in everything from A Most Violent Year with Oscar Isaac and Albert Brooks to Chris Nolan’s Interstellar.

But before all that, Chastain spent her birthday weekend (she turns 37 today) with Tom Hiddleston, playing ping-pong, gorging on birthday cake, and dancing on tabletops. That last activity is usually associated with wasted sorority girls and frat bros, but somehow, Chastain makes it seem classy. She wrote on Facebook:

Hello lovelies
My friends have traveled to Toronto to begin the Birthday festivities. There was a delicious dinner at Brassaii, ping pong matches, crazy dancing, and karaoke. The past few years has been so wonderful and full of work that I sometimes feel like I live on a film set. It was great to spend time with my nearest and dearest. It’s a reminder of what’s important in life. xxjes

What’s important in life? Playing the banjo around Loki, apparently.

The rest of Chastain’s Facebook page is also a delight.

Via Jessica Chastain’s Facebook