In case you’re new to this wonderful network of sites, I have several rules about what I will or won’t write about, but rule numero uno is typically: “If you put a cat on a ping pong table and record it, I’m gonna write about it.” Cats are not as smart or awesome as dogs, which is a fact proven by both science and religion, but the way that cats respond to ping pong has always been one of my guiltiest pleasures. People know that, too, because someone sent me this video of Oreo the cat just hanging out on a ping pong table, and I wish that the Summer Olympics had table tennis and cats had to be on the tables during every match.
Can you imagine if the world’s best players not only had to compete against each other, but also with a spry and menacing third opponent like Oreo? That would probably be the highest rated sports programming in history. *slides Monopoly $500 across table* Thank you for considering my flawless point, International Olympic Committee.
PING PONG CAT from Hello Future Films on Vimeo.