Pro-Adultery Website Endorses Newt Gingrich For President

Reports McCalls:

For drivers traveling on Route 1 toward Morrisville (PA), a larger than life photo of Gingrich looms from a billboard with the message: “Faithful Republican, Unfaithful Husband. Welcome to the Era.”
Gingrich, a husband three times, who is teetering at the front of the Republican presidential pack, has admitted to extramarital affairs. The founder of the cheaters dating site, Noel Biderman, said in a statement on Friday:

“Now that Newt is the leading contender in the race for the GOP nomination, we felt compelled to make a point to illustrate how times have changed when a serial divorcee/adulterer is capturing the hearts of the American people.

“Gingrich proves that marital fidelity has no bearing on someone’s ability to do a job. Rather than judge him, Americans have finally embraced the reality that affairs are commonplace, and perhaps paradoxically, might be an indication of great leadership to come. He is not the first nor last politician who will step outside of their marriage.”

Well done, Ashley Madison.

In other Republican presidential candidate news, Rick Perry referred to Kim Jong Il as Kim Jong “the second.” And the world spins madly on.