See Tom Run: The Tom Cruise Sprinting Supercut That Was Begging To Be Made

Knees high. Chest out. Arms pumping and slicing like he’s karate chopping his way through a sea of midgets. That’s how I’d describe the Tom Cruise Sprint. You know, his signature run. The one they work into every single one of his movies. Whether it’s contractual or part of some of some sort of perpetual fundraising sprint-a-thon for Scientology no one knows, but it’s a fixture we’ve all come to know and love grow accustomed to.

So with Ghost Protocol (Vince’s review here) opening this week it only makes sense that Time (?) and video editor Valerie Lapinksi got in the supercut game with this “See Tom Run” video. Their player doesn’t embiggen so it’s after the jump. My question is: What took the internet so long? Are video editors scared of no longer being welcome to participate in complimentary stress tests? Quite the mystery if you ask me.

And for the record, if Cruise doesn’t sprint up the side of the Burj Khalif in the new Mission Impossible yours truly is going to be leaving the theater disappointed.

Time via Buzzfeed

Update: Video Editor Xerxes Cortez has offered up his “Evolution of Tom Cruise’s Run” that he released a full five months before the Time one for everyone to compare and contrast. Guess editors are scared of losing stress test privileges than I though.