A Would-Be Car Bomber Blew His Face Off After Forgetting To Set His Clock Forward For Daylight Savings

A man in Ireland was spotted running from the scene of a car blast on Sunday night after his plan to plant a bomb under an SUV literally blew up in his face.

Sources told the Belfast Telegraph that “a huge amount of blood” was found at the scene in Dublin, and the suspect was seen with his face covered in blood as he fled. The Mirror says authorities are working on a rather hilarious explanation:

The injured criminal fled the scene in Dublin “dripping in blood” on Sunday night after the device went off early.

It had been attached to a Volvo SUV belonging to a local businessman.

One of the theories is the suspect forgot about the clocks changing.

A source said: “It would appear that the bomber got his timings wrong. It could be a case where he didn’t put his watch forward on Sunday [at 1am] and the timer went off too soon.”

The vehicle was completely incinerated in the blast while a house beside the SUV had its doors and windows blown off. No one else was injured by the explosion, and detectives are probing to determine whether the attack was perpetrated by an inner city gang.

Belfast Telegraph & Mirror