Join Our Live Q & A With 'Surviving Jack's Justin Halpern Tomorrow

If you’ve been reading FilmDrunk or listening to the Frotcast for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed our occasional interviews with Sh*t My Dad Says author/TV show writer Justin Halpern. Well, he’s got another TV show on Fox these days, Surviving Jack, adapted from his second book, I Suck At Girls. The show has its second episode tomorrow night at 9:30 on Fox, and Justin asked if he could do a live Q & A to promote it. I promptly said “Huh? Yeah, man, whatever,” and fell fast asleep on my jack-off couch, as is my response to most things.

On a serious note, it’s always interesting to have a friend working on the inside of some business you were always curious about. For us, that’s Justin and TV. So gather up your questions about ratings, standards and practices, and of course 50 ducks or one horse-sized duck and meet back here tomorrow between 11 and 12 Pacific Daylight Time. It’s gonna be sick, bros and lady-bros.