Key And Peele May Be Helping To Bring A ‘Police Academy’ Remake To The Big Screen

It was just the other day that we were celebrating the 30th anniversary of Police Academy and “scraping the bottom” as one person mentioned. Well it would seem that there are a lot of other folks combing the campy 80s depths, namely Key and Peele who are now being connected to a proposed remake of the comedy franchise. From The Hollywood Reporter:

Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, best known for sketch comedy show Key & Peele, have signed on to produce New Line Cinema’s Police Academy reboot. Original producer Paul Maslansky is back for the new iteration, which aims to remake the seven-film comedy series about a ragtag group of police recruits who repeatedly are called to help save the city. Sam Brown is overseeing for New Line.

Key And Peele is one of the most hilarious surprises to come out of Comedy Central for a while, next to Broad City and Workaholics, so their names attached to a Police Academy reboot is pleasing. But then again, it is another reboot and I think I’d rather see a Key And Peele movie over something that’s been reheated in the microwave.

This isn’t the first time a Police Academy reboot has made the rounds, with talks ranging back at least four years to 2010 when Maslansky sat down with The Hollywood Reporter about his plans:

“It’s going to be very worthwhile to the people who remember it and to those who saw it on TV,” Maslansky told THR. “It’s going to be a new class. We hope to discover new talent and season it with great comedians. It’ll be anything but another movie with a numeral next to it. And we’ll most probably retain the wonderful musical theme.” (via)

Well at least they’ll keep the theme! Reboots always work out when they keep the theme song intact, right? Well at least Key and Peele involvement means it won’t be completely bad.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter / Slash Film)