Zac Efron And Seth Rogen Have A Dildo Fight In The New Red Band Trailer For ‘Neighbors’

When he’s not out getting jacked in the face by drug-dealing transients in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles after midnight, Zac Efron is hunking it up as one of the stars of the upcoming comedy Neighbors. Efron plays the pretty-boy college bro who somehow moves his fraternity’s home into a suburban neighborhood, right next door to a couple raising their first child. Played by Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne, the couple doesn’t care for Efron’s and Dave Franco’s malarkey, so they bring hell on themselves by calling the cops, instead of just learning to deal with it like good neighbors would.

The two new trailers reveal so much more than the squeaky-clean trailers have before them, as the red band version shows Rogen and Byrne having plenty of awkward sex in front of their baby and the frat boys, while the feud between Efron and Rogen culminates in quite the lovely dildo fight. Oh, and Byrne also kisses a younger college girl. It seems that my opinion of this film has changed drastically thanks to the red band trailer. Hell, I haven’t even bothered watching the international trailer yet.