Engaged Power Couple Puts Together The Most Ridiculously Insane, Over The Top ‘Save The Date’ Video

I remember when my husband and I got married a few years back, I designed and illustrated our save-the-dates and had them printed with Vistaprint. We thought that was pretty cool.

Except that as it turns out we weren’t cool, and ours and everyone else in the world’s stupid crappy save-the-dates up until now are complete garbage, because unlike high-profile San Francisco attorneys — Bambo Obaro and Janice Jentz’s — they didn’t involve a high production budget with helicopters. You heard me, helicopters.

The couple’s wedding website, aptly titled bosswedding.com, features only their save the date video in lieu of any actual wedding details, because why would you need details when you’ve got such a baller save the date video? The video features motion graphics, a stupid foofy dog, the aforementioned helicopter, gratuitous San Francisco overhead shots, fancy cars, a sexy nightclub, inexplicable Indian dancers, champagne, cigars, and a very plastic-looking bride — basically, it’s the save-the-date Tom Haverford from Parks & Rec would put together with an unlimited budget.

Your move, Kimye.

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(Via Jezebel)