Fotoshop by Adobé Is The Hot New Beauty Product You’ve All Been Clamoring For

Ever wonder what it would be like if Photoshop were an actual beauty product one could use to reduce lines, make one appear thinner and younger, etc? Well that’s the premise behind this satirical web ad Jesse Rosten made for a fictional product called Fotoshop by Adobé.

Rosten writes:

I was watching TV one sleepless night and stumbled upon an infomercial for some beauty product. The commercial showed before and after portraits, that to my eye, looked like the same photo just photoshopped. I laughed to myself. Then I made this video…This commercial isn’t real, and neither are society’s standards of beauty.

Watching this made me long for it to be real if only so I wouldn’t have to worry about trimming arm hair anymore.

(HT: Laughing Squid)