‘Parks & Rec’ Meets ‘Watch The Throne’ With Park-Z and Kanye-ation. Tom Haverford Approves.

Last Friday Aziz Ansari tweeted, “OH MY GOD. Someone made a Parks and Rec/Watch the Throne Tumblr and its amazing.” Normally something like this would propel me into action, rushing to update our loyal UPROXX audience on the latest Parks & Rec mashup the world wide web has to offer. But it was Friday, and Park-Z and Kanye-ation was brand new, so between me gearing up to be equal parts awesome and weird over the weekend and there only being like three entries at the time I decided to table the coverage until we were a bit closer to Parks’ 2012 return and there was more to work with.

I think we can all agree that — unlike that time I went a year without renewing my driver’s license  — this was simply good decision making on my part.

So now I present the inevitable combination of Aziz Ansari/Tom Haverford’s presumed two favorite things: His show and “Watch the Throne” lyrics. I don’t have the album memorized or anything but I have to say the connections between the stills and the lyrics so far are on point, which I always appreciate. Warhol, European Taste, and Nets 0-82 are currently in a three-way tie for my favorite, but I like a clear #1 so your opinions are regrettably necessary in this case strongly encouraged as always.

Park-Z and Kanye-ation