Heads Blow Up! The Supercut And The Finest Head-Splodin’ GIFs You Can Find On Short Notice

I subconsciously classify new supercuts in one of three categories the moment I see a headline A) Everything I need to know in the title, B) I’ll give it thirty seconds, and C) DROP EVERYTHING MUST WATCH HOLY SH*T WHERE’S THE TYLENOL. As you may have guessed, the inexplicably overdue “Heads Blow Up!” supercut from JamesNintendoNerd and Cinemassacre qualifies in the third, a rare distinction. Love the exclamation point, btw. It’s like they’re guaranteeing excess brain fragments.

So, briefly, because I don’t want to keep you from the skull-splodin’ action, this fine piece of research and editing includes every head explosion I can ever remember seeing on film and more, from the cheesiest of B movies, to RAMBO: Cambodian Machine Gun Mow Down, to “Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face” (aka the finest moment of Travolta’s career). Full list of movies at the end of the vid, which is kinda/sorta NSFW, depending on your employer’s policy on awesomeness.

And since I just can’t quit the dome eruptions I’ve rounded up the finest head exploding GIFs I can find as a sort of hair of the dog, if you will. You’re welcome.

YouTube via The Daily What




