Haley Joel Osment’s Timeline Transformation Into Al Borland

How Haley Joel Osment chose to celebrate his 26th birthday is a mystery to me. But judging from his recent Al Borland transformation, I’d bet it involves practicing his Family Feud hosting skills for whenever Steve Harvey’s mustache calls it quits.

HJO has actually had a pretty solid year so far, getting positive reviews for The Spoils Of Babylon, wrapping a part in the next Kevin Smith movie and filming a role in the Entourage movie (unfortunately not playing a douchey version of himself ).

Back to the real focus though: Haley Joel Osment’s transformation into Al Borland AKA Richard Karn. Let’s start at the beginning, before HJO had entered Borland-puberty.

1994: In the early stages, HJO was just a cute kid on the show Thunder Alley with little resemblance to Al Borland besides an obvious love of flannel.

1997: HJO’s appearance on Walker, Texas Ranger actually has nothing to do with his transformation in Al Borland. I merely thought it of importance to remind everyone that Walker told him he had AIDS. Moving on…

2002: A couple years later and Haley has grown into an awkward teen wearing clothes that are way too big for him. This example of poor fashion choices is also a trademark of Richard Karn that I’ll get into a few photos down. Coincidence? Of course not!

2004: Haley actually has a chin here. Unfortunately, once those Borland genetics kick in it will be absorbed by the rest of his face. This is known as the Borland-larva stage.

2012: At this point in Borland transformation, HJO has begun to show a little bit of a five o’clock shadow and his chin is slowly fading away.

Behavioral similarities: Just like wolf cubs learning to hunt from their mother, Haley has developed what scientists call “Borland behaviors” and taken up the beloved pastime of Richard Karn: charity golf tournaments.

If you’ve ever been curious what a clothing line developed by Pepto-Bismol would look like, Richard Karn has found it.

January 2014: This photo was only taken a few months ago at the Spoils Of Babylon premiere. Transformation will soon be complete.

March 2014: Final stage, the only thing missing here is a tool-belt and Tim Allen.

As disturbing as the above photo is, the bizarreness below is equally perplexing. It’s almost as if HJO was trying to channel Keith Richards and David Allan Coe at the same time, with a bit of Simpsons’s Crazy Cat Lady thrown in for added weirdness.