There’s Only One Celebrity Who PornHub Doesn’t Want A Sex Tape From

Eventually a Justin Bieber sex tape will leak, and we’ll guilty-watch it but tell others that we only checked it out for a few seconds to see Selena Gomez in various states of undress when really, the URL has been bookmarked. But we won’t feel ashamed of what we did while on PornHub (at least not this time). Their VP of adult entertainment, Corey Price, has no interest in all things Swaggy and/or Bro.

If and when a Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez sex tape is leaked, Pornhub will not buy or license the video. It’s nothing against Selena Gomez, we just don’t approve of all of Bieber’s gross behavior – spitting on fans, driving dangerously and endangering people, and just being a real jerk. If you’re into celebrity sex tapes, you can check out Kim Kardashian’s, Pamela Anderson’s, and Paris Hilton’s all on Pornhub, but you won’t find a Bieber’s. (Via)

A sex tape from the woman who said gays on Grindr have AIDS? That’s fine. BUT NO BIEBER.

Via Famously