Val Kilmer Tweets A Shirtless Selfie Staring At A Picture Of David Schwimmer

By now we all know that Channing Tatum’s writing process involves staring at a bust of Matthew McConaughey (I for one can imagine no greater muse). More recently, Val Kilmer tweeted this picture of himself with David Schwimmer, saying “Me and Schwimmer against the world…”

If Matthew McConaughey can inspire Channing Tatum to write Magic Mike 2, to what heights can Ross from Friends’ glorious visage inspire “the artist Val Kilmer” (Kilmer’s official Twitter bio)? Will it make him a better actor? A better Mark Twain impersonator? A better… um, whatever it was he was doing when he chopped his hair off at a concert that one time?

Shit, man, I don’t know, actors are weird.

As far as I can tell, they’ve never worked together.