British PR Firm Celebrates New Twitter Followers With Gumballs

What you see above is what happens each time someone follows British PR firm Uniform on Twitter.

Reports Ad Week:

Uniform, a British brand communications agency, has rigged up a crazy gumball machine that gets activated whenever anyone follows them on Twitter—sending a gumball careening down a long and winding chute, coming to rest in the agency’s studio, where workers presumably fight over it (or maybe not). In the meantime, the agency @replies you with a link to a video of the machine in action (though not, sadly, featuring footage of your particular gumball). The whole thing is called Sweet Tweet. “We wanted to create a physical app that connected our studio to our Twitter followers,” Uniform’s Pete Thomas tells Co.Design, “raising awareness and alerting us all to each new follower.”

(Insert your own joke about chewing all that gum and the British having bad teeth here.)

(HT: Sarah Williams)