Terry Richardson Didn’t Send That Text To A Model, Is Still A Creep

Terry Richardson is still a big ol’ creep, but he’s not the big ol’ creep who told model Emma Appleton he’d take photos of her for Vogue if she had sex with him. That person is a fake, according to a digital forensic expert who presumably deals with guys who stare at hot women all the time.

Sources told us Facebook found the account from which the message was sent in violation of standards of authenticity, and not from a verified Richardson account.

Online forensic expert, Theo Yedinsky, said Facebook had removed the fake account, which he discovered was set up two weeks ago from “some random Gmail account.”

A source close to Richardson said, “The whole thing is defamatory and possibly illegal. Appleton’s agent was informed about the fake account…but refused to acknowledge the truth and continued to grandstand.” (Via)

This will change the public’s opinion of Richardson by exactly 0%.

Via Page Six