Nintendo Forgoes An E3 Press Conference Again, Brings ‘Smash Bros.’ To Best Buy

Last year Nintendo made news by forgoing the usual E3 press conference in favor of a Nintendo Direct. Considering the less-than-stellar year Nintendo had following E3 2013, many expected/hoped Nintendo would go the traditional route again this year, but nope, it looks like the Nintendo E3 press briefing may be a permanent thing of the past.

Nintendo will be doing another Nintendo Direct this year, except they’re not calling it a Nintendo Direct — it’s a Nintendo Digital Event. Same idea though! A produced streaming show as opposed to a live press conference.

They’ll also be hosting and broadcasting a 16-player Super Smash Bros. Wii U tournament, which is a pretty big about-face for a company that once tried to get Smash Bros. pulled from Evo. You’ll also be able to head to Best Buy and test out the new 3DS and Wii U Smash Bros. games for yourself.

Nintendo announced all these plans via a surprisingly amusing video courtesy of the guys at Mega64…

Why can’t Nintendo’s TV ads have that much personality?

Oh, and here’s one more bit of wild speculation. Somebody was poking around the source code for Nintendo’s E3 site, and found mention of a “new Nintendo system”. This chunk of code has since been removed.

Hmmm! E3 season is just a month away folks!

via GoNintendo here & here