‘Almost Human’ Fans Are Turning Their Torches And Pitchforks To Syfy

To everyone who wondered why Almost Human being cancelled merits continuous coverage on Uproxx, I warned you. I get hella defensive about my robot stories. So here’s some more complaining.

Yesterday after news broke of its cancellation, Almost Human fans began a petition at Change.org to have the show reinstated. It’s at 4,600 signatures as of this writing. And, well…

We are asking that Syfy see the potential for this series, and allow it to become something great with the network.

Do you people even watch Syfy? They can’t even afford to spell their name correctly, let alone produce a decent episodic show about robots in the future. THEY DON’T EVEN REBROADCAST STAR TREK TNG. Who are y’all kidding, here?

And one petition on a pre-made petition making site? How lazy have fandoms become? Remember when post-apocalyptic drama fans sent CBS over twenty tons of peanuts to protest Jericho being cancelled on a cliffhanger? Remember how CBS brought Jericho back to resolve the cliffhanger?

Which brings me to my real point: CBS has nothing going on right now on Saturdays. They also have money. CSI money. This is the network that peddled Alex O’Loughlin around until there was nothing left for him to act in other than a Hawaii Five-0 reboot. This is the network that picked up Medium, for some damn reason (spite) after NBC cancelled it.

There’s also the other possibility that The CW could pick it up. The CW is a partnership between CBS and Warner Bros., anyway, and since the show is produced by Warner Bros. TV, you’d think that would somehow be a fit for them. Not to mention The CW has a ton of supernatural shows, including Supernatural. Their budgets for sci-fi and fantasy are probably just slightly larger than SyFy’s.

What I’m saying is, it’s kind of crazy to make your whole Save Our Show pitch to one cable channel. Instead, how about:

Dear Prospective Television Network:

You should consider buying Almost Human. It ran on FOX Mondays against How I Met Your Mother and 2 Broke Girls, and surprisingly wasn’t totally annihilated by either. I pulled its numbers from the first week of February sweeps this year:

It had a 1.8 rating in the adults 18-49 category, which placed it third with 6.35 million viewers. That’s way over NBC’s offerings for the night… uh, Hollywood Game Night and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit: 50 Years of Beautiful. (Seriously, NBC? Are you even trying?) Adjusted numbers for DVR recordings is 1.9 and 6.41 million viewers. So it has quite a large “watch it live” audience. It also presumably saves money by shooting in Canada.

Ask yourself: Do I need a budget robot buddy cop dramady?

I can answer: Yes, yes you do. Everyone does. People who don’t are suspicious.

So why not buy a Karl Urban robot cop show? There can never be enough sci-fi programs on tv, unless you’re FOX. You’re not FOX, are you? Haha, of course not. Because you, network executive and/or intern at a major broadcasting corporation reading this for your boss, YOU HAVE TASTE AND REFINEMENT.


The other tactic is to bully FOX. I’m allergic to peanuts so I won’t be shipping eight million of them to get my point across, but I might consider starting a campaign for mail-in prosthetic legs. And/or olive oil, which on second thought is probably cheaper.

Yeah. Let’s go with olive oil.

via The Wrap