DIY Holiday Gift Prank: The Responding Shaken Box (video)

The old Ted Kaczynski gift gag.

Look, we’re all guilty. Everyone (and I mean everyone) has done it at some point. I’m talking, of course, about murder shaking a wrapped up holiday gift, in hopes of being able to figure out what the hell is inside. Whether it’s a puppy or one of those James Bond Fabergé eggs, no one really seems to have much respect for wrapped up gifts anymore -and that’s exactly why Instructables contributor DIYHacksAndHowTos has uploaded a sneaky video illustrating how to install a self-built speaker, inside a holiday gift box, that will respond when shaken. Using some tiny tech bits and a little black magic, one can easily record their own sound effect onto the device, before gluing it to the inside wall of a present.

After the jump is a complete DIY tutorial video which should help you mess with your annoying family this year.

[via technabob]