‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’ Videos Explain How Lieutenant Dan Got Magic Legs

Shortly after the recent Mystique clip from X-Men: Days Of Future Past comes two more clips. This time we find out how Professor X — who looks like Lieutenant Dan — can walk again. We also see Hank McCoy in human form transform into Beast, because he’s basically Hulk now. As Nicholas Hoult explained back in February, Beast invented a serum which can suppress his mutation as long as he doesn’t get too excited. Let’s assume I made a “blue balls” joke here and move on.

We’re assuming that same serum may be related to Professor X’s regained mobility. In the first clip below, he explains to Magneto that a medication repairs his spine but it also affects his mutant DNA, dampening his abilities. Obviously, his story arc will be about him realizing he has to give up the medication and his ability to walk so he can regain his mutant powers and do the most good.

That first clip is titled “You Abandoned Us All”, and it also hints that some of the other characters from First Class may have been captured or killed. The reveal comes during a shouting match between Professor X and Magneto. We hope these crazy kids can finally reconcile.


X-Men: Days Of Future Past opens May 24th.

Via THR, CBM, and Jon Blair