Hear The Song From 1892 That Everyone From Katy Perry To Weird Al Has Covered

The degrees of separation between Weird Al, Tyler, the Creator, Katy Perry, Metallica’s Kirk Hammett, and Nick Cave is now minimal, thanks to “Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built For Two),” which is one of those songs you instinctively know without ever learning the full lyrics to. All those artists listed above, as well as Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh and Danny Elfman, among others, have come together to record multiple covers of the cutesy standard from 1892, because public domain.

[Pop art painter Mark] Ryden tells the Hollywood Reporter that in addition to the portrait, he’s worked with Perry as well a number of other artists including Kirk Hammett of Metallica, Tyler the Creator, Weird Al Yankovic, Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo, Stan Ridgeway of Wall of Voodoo, Danny Elfman, and Nick Cave on a limited-edition album that will be released Saturday. On the record, titled The Gay Nineties Old Tyme Music: Daisy Bell, each performer will do a rendition of the same song, “Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two).” (Via)

It’s all coming together for HAL 9000…

Via the Hollywood Reporter