Did This Woman Seriously Squirt Breast Milk Into A Coworker’s Milk Carton?

I have no idea if the following video — which shows a woman in an office kitchenette pouring milk out of a carton into her coffee, then pulling up her dress and ostensibly squirting milk from her breast back into the carton — is real or a hoax. Anyone who has ever worked in an office knows how sh*tty and territorial people can be about stuff they keep in the office fridge, and I’ve seen more than my share of passive aggressive notes about stealing orange juice or whatnot. I mean it’s f*cking orange juice, calm the hell down.

Either way, I have so many questions.

Was she legitimately trying to replace the stolen milk with her breast milk or did she put the breast milk in there because she legitimately hates her coworker — or both?

If the former is true, then why wouldn’t she just fill the carton back up with a little bit of water? You wouldn’t even know the difference.

If the latter is true, than why wouldn’t she discreetly pump somewhere and dump it in instead of risk getting caught in her underpants with her tit in a milk carton?

Did she even really just have a baby? Her stomach looks awfully flat.

Still probably better than powdered creamer. I guess that one was a statement, not so much a question.


Via BroBible