The Red Band Trailer For ‘A Million Ways To Die In The West’ Has Arrived

It’s hard to tell just how over-the-top Seth MacFarlane is willing to go in pleasing his incredibly loyal fans, so it’s great that the red band trailer for A Million Ways to Die in the West has finally hit YouTube (via MTV) so we can all judge away like it was intended when the angels created this Internet. The new trailer doesn’t reveal much more than we already knew – Seth MacFarlane plays a coward who is afraid of dying in the “terrible time” of the American Old West, but then Charlize Theron shows up and she can convince any man to do whatever she asks, so she wants him to kill Liam Neeson – but there sure is a lot of cursing now.

If we all agree to like this, we might help make MacFarlane feel a little better after Dads was canceled. And then he’ll be able to sleep comfortably on his giant stacks of cash tonight.