Obama’s ‘Enhanced State Of The Union’ Speech Doesn’t Involve A Will Arnett Hologram Mocking Him, Sadly

When I first heard about the White House offering an “Enhanced State of the Union” speech to online viewers of tonight’s speech earlier today, I was hoping that CNN had finally figured out a good use for the hologram technology they always manage to use horrendously by using it to insert Gob Bluth (or is it, as commenter Uncle Jemima noted, Devon Banks?) over Obama’s shoulder to mock him for the duration of his speech. Sadly, that is not the case.

Obama is taking to the new video-conferencing-service Google Hangouts via the administration’s official Google+ page in order to interact with his constituents. The Obama administration will be accepting questions for the live interview through the official YouTube channel, and the administration will be inviting some of the questioners to join the Hangout.

The Obama and Google Hangout announcement comes just one day before the President is set to give a State of the Union speech. The speech, which is scheduled for Jan. 24 at 9 p.m. (EST) will also be available for viewing on the White House website. While viewing the State of the Union speech on the website, viewers will be able to see an enhanced view of the address, including charts, statistics and data that will inform viewers about Obama’s policy decision.

But I guess a boy can dream, can’t he?