Franzie Says Relax: This Adorable Cat Requesting Hugs Is Here To Give You Warm Fuzzies

We first spotted this glorious GIF last Friday and — after watching it 300 times in a row and tattooing “HUG LIFE” across our stomachs — we started searching for the identity of this adorable cat who seems to be saying, “Lift me, human!

Now we know the source. Tricia Carr uploaded this (and other) footage of her cat, Franzie, requesting hugs by stretching his arms out. And how could anyone say no, when he asks so politely?

And to prove it wasn’t a one-time fluke luckily caught on camera, Carr uploaded another video of Franzie cordially requesting affection.

Of course, there are always other theories on what might be really happening here.


Via DP&F and Tastefully Offensive