You may remember last August that Cameron Fry’s house from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the 5300 square foot house designed by A. James Speyer in Highland Park outside of Chicago, was on sale for $1.5 million. That was only part of the story though, as the house — including the raised, iconic steel and glass pavilion built to house exotic cars — had been on the market since 2009. The Rose family (the only owners) had originally listed it at $2.3 million. It finally sold last week for less than half that.
The midcentury modernistic steel-and-glass house in Highland Park and the nearby auto pavilion that together are commonly known as the Ferris Bueller home for their prominence in the 1986 film “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” sold on Thursday for $1.06 million.
And the buyers, an investment banker and a lawyer, are nearby residents and Northwestern University alumni. […]
The final sale price was for less than half of the $2.3 million that the Rose family initially had sought for the property in May 2009. It later was reduced to $1.8 million and then to $1.65 million before coming off the market in 2011 for some light rehab work. For a time, the property remained off the market but still informally listed. [Chicago Tribune]
At first they thought you could reduce wear and tear by just always going in the back door, but I guess they figured that out.
[hat tip: DeathnTaxes]