‘Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel’ Moonwalks To A Release Date, Drops A New Trailer

One of the few games that hasn’t been delayed to 2015, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, is starting to build up the hype ahead of its October release. And what better way to do that than to make your characters dance to dubstep, courtesy of Harmonix?

Yes, the trailer’s dance break really is sponsored by Harmonix. Why, precisely, is never made clear: For all we know, there’s a Borderlands dance game on the way. But the trailer is rife with little shooty bits that make us happy, like for example:

And, of course, the restraint, grace, and tasteful refinement we’ve come to love the series for:

We’ll be able to experience being a whaler, er, mercenary on the moon October 14th. Europe gets it three days later, because game companies hate Europe.